Donald Trump - How to get Rich

Donald Trump - How to get Rich. 1. Be a General I am the chairman and president of The Trump Organization. I like saying that because it means a great deal to me. More and more, I see that running a business is like being a general. Your employees’ lives, to a large extent, are dependent on you and your decisions. Bad strategy can end up affecting a lot of people. If you are careful when finding employees, management becomes a lot easier. I rely on a few key people to keep me informed. They know I trust them, and they do their best to keep that trust intact. 2. Stay focused In the 1980s, I was riding high. I’d become a major player in Manhattan, developing Trump Tower, the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and many other top-tier properties. I had a yacht, a plane, a bestselling book. One magazine headline said, EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES TURNS TO GOLD, and I believed it. In the late eighties, I lost focus. I’d fly off to Europe to attend fashion shows, and I wasn’t looking at t...